CrossFit Oswego has allowed me to take my fitness to a level I had never thought I’d be able to reach prior to stepping foot into the box. CrossFit not only made me fit, but it also aided in my success in athletics outside of the gym. In addition to the fun and ever changing programming, the community behind CrossFit is unreal and I’ve been able to make so many great friends because of it.
CrossFit has also played a major role is my Marine Corps career. Physical preparedness is a major priority for Marines and the workouts that I perform in the gym have paid dividends when it comes to performing in events like the Marine Corps Obstacle Course, the Endurance Course, and the Combat Fitness Test.
The functional fitness that CrossFit provides helps me maintain proper body mechanics at work! {which is super important for all of the patient lifting and transferring that we do!}
CFO is my second home away from home, the hospital is first, because I spend more hours there. I look forward to spending my days off at CFO. When life gets tough, or when my job gets stressful, I look forward to getting my work outs in and getting my mindset right!!
We found CFO and CrossFit about 3 1/2 years ago. It was a tough mental challenge to get up the confidence to walk through the doors directly from the sedentary lifestyle we had created for ourselves. However, CFO helped us realize, pretty quickly, that CrossFit can be for everyone!
The CrossFit programming and lifestyle helped us not only look better on the outside but the health changes on the inside have been life changing for our future and the future of our family. Through CFO and their nutrition partners we have learned how to eat better and take care of ourselves for the long haul. CFO has given us new friends, a place to spend our free time and a new found confidence in ourselves and our relationship.
We have met amazing people who will check on us if we miss our regular class, give us support on bad days and laugh with us on good days. Our only regret would be that we didn’t find CFO sooner!